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Special Religious Education

Primary Schools

The approved curriculum for Special Religious Education (SRE) was developed by Christian Education Publications, Anglican “Youthworks” and is called “Connect”.


SRE in primary schools in the Lismore area is oversighted by the Lismore Ministers Fellowship. A volunteer co-ordinator organises volunteer SRE Teachers and this operates as a Combined Churches arrangement.  Teams of volunteer SRE Teachers from Churches of approved providers of SRE, participate in a Combined Churches arrangement, providing age related SRE to students.


For an outline of the primary school's curriculum, please CLICK HERE

High Schools

SRE High School Teachers approved by New Heights Christian Fellowship will have access to and use the following approved curriculum. The curriculum for Years 7 to 10 has been accepted by REAL for use in the three Rivers College High Schools: Kadina Campus, Lismore Campus, and Richmond River Campus.


The approved curriculum for high school SRE was developed by Christian Education Publications, Anglican "Youthworks" and is called "ThinkFaith".


Parents and caregivers are very welcome to view the curriculum that is being presented to their children. To view the approved outline of curriculum scope and sequence used for years 7, 8, 9, 10, CLICK HERE.


For details on the Approved Curriculum used in the Combined Arrangement for SRE Teaching in Lismore High Schools please contact: 


Tony Meston, REAL Chairperson

0427 879 098


The Department of Education guidelines for SRE Teaching in NSW School's may be viewed HERE

Meet us at:

    Lismore Heights Primary School


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